From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Advanced Troubleshooting

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Solving time sync issues

Solving time sync issues

- [Instructor] As odd as it might sound in Windows 11, you can experience various problems if your clocks are out of sync. The main reason for this is that Windows uses the Carros protocol for authentication, and the Carros protocol is time sensitive. So if you have clocks that are out of sync with one another, then Carros can break down causing various authentication related issues. So let's take a look at how you might synchronize the clocks. What I'm going to do is click on the start button. From there, I'm going to go to all apps. I'll scroll down, I'll click on Windows Tools, and then I'm going to right click on the command prompt and choose run as administrator. So here we have the Windows Command Prompt Window, and the first thing that I'm going to do is type w32tm space slash query space slash configuration. And I'll press enter. And what we've done is we've queried the Windows Time service to find out where…
