From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Advanced Troubleshooting

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Running the Reliability Monitor

Running the Reliability Monitor

- [Instructor] One of the more helpful tools for figuring out why a blue screen error may have occurred is the reliability monitor. Now, just to be clear, the reliability monitor won't always tell you exactly what caused the blue screen error, but it will give you some sense of what was going on at the time that the error occurred. So to show you what I mean, let's go ahead and open up the reliability monitor. I'm going to right click on the start button. From there, I'll go to run. I'll type the word control and click OK. And this opens up the legacy control panel. From here I'm going to click on system and security. Then I'm going to click on security and maintenance. I'll expand the maintenance section, and then I'll click on view reliability history. This opens up the reliability monitor. So let's take a look at what we've got going here. This particular system was initially reliable. You can see that there's a thin…
