From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Advanced Troubleshooting

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Flushing the DNS resolver cache

Flushing the DNS resolver cache

- [Instructor] One reason why a Windows 11 machine may lose the ability to communicate with another machine on your network is because that machine's IP address has changed and the Windows 11 machine is unaware of that change. In essence, the machine's old address is still stored in a cache on the Windows 11 machine. So I'll show you exactly what this looks like and how to fix the problem. So right now, I'm at the Windows command prompt window, and I'm going to ping a machine on my network called So I'll type ping and I'll press Enter and the ping succeeds. So we've successfully pinged the other machine on my network by its fully qualified domain name. And notice the IP address that's associated with this machine, So with that said, I'm going to go ahead and switch over to the other machine. So here I am on the machine that I just sent the ping request to, and…
