From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Advanced Troubleshooting

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Configure a memory dump

Configure a memory dump

- [Presenter] Normally when a Blue Screen error occurs within Windows, the system will perform what's called a memory dump. In other words, it will take the contents of the system's memory and write it out to a file for later analysis. In addition, the system will automatically reboot and then try to load windows in the usual manner. Now, that's the normal behavior, but you do have a bit of control over this. Microsoft gives you a few different configuration options that you can use to control what happens when a Blue Screen error occurs. So let's take a look at some of the options that exist. I'm going to begin by right clicking on the Start button. From there, I'm going to go to System, and then I'm going to click on Advanced System Settings, and this opens up the system property sheet. I'll close out of the window that was open in the background. Next, I'm going to click the settings button found in the Startup and…
