From the course: Windows 11 for IT Support: Advanced Troubleshooting

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Basic blue screen troubleshooting steps

Basic blue screen troubleshooting steps

- [Instructor] When Windows generates a blue screen error, there are a few different things that you can do to resolve the problem. The very first thing that I recommend doing is to think about what you were doing at the time when the error happened, as well as any recent changes that you might have made to your system. For example, did you recently install a new application? Or maybe you upgraded a device driver, or installed some new hardware device, or maybe you made a configuration change to Windows. Any of those types of things can potentially cause a blue screen error. So if you received a blue screen error just after making some sort of change to your system, it's a pretty safe bet that the change that you made is what triggered the error. But what if you haven't changed anything? Well, in a situation like that, what I recommend doing is taking a look at the stop code. And if you look at the screen, you can see the…
