From the course: Windows 11: Administration

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Using the Task Manager

Using the Task Manager

- [Male Instructor] In this section, I'd like to talk about Task Manager in Windows 11. Task Manager has been around for many generations of Windows. In some previous versions of Windows, you could right-click on the task bar, and from there, open up Task Manager. Unfortunately, they have removed that functionality, so now I'll need to go to the Start menu and type in task manager, and that'll allow me to open the Task Manager app. When I first open it, it gives me the very boring message, "There are no apps running." In the lower left, there is a button for more details. And once I click on that, all of this becomes much more interesting. So on the first tab, I'm given a list of all the processes that are running on my computer, and I can sort those to see which one's using the most CPU, the most memory, most disk or most network. I can also right-click on any of these and that gives me a number of options, including end…
