From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

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Upgrade with installation media

Upgrade with installation media - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

Upgrade with installation media

- [Instructor] So you have your Windows 10 installation DVD or USB drive ready and you're ready to upgrade from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10. In this video we'll be upgrading from Windows 8.1 Pro to Windows 10 Pro. We'll be using files on the USB drive. Generally you simply insert the media and wait for setup to start. But if the installation process doesn't start by itself, which occasionally happens, open File Explorer. I'll show you by clicking the desktop and clicking File Explorer here. My files are on this USB stick and to get started I'll simply double click and then double click setup. I'll click yes. And we'll wait to begin. The first screen you'll see is about getting updates, drivers, and optional features. That's going to make the installation take a lot longer than we want it to. I'm going to suggest that you leave this selected, but I'm going to go ahead and choose not right now, just to speed things up. And I'll click next. Now we can choose our operating system. I'll…
