From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

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Troubleshoot group policies on devices

Troubleshoot group policies on devices - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

Troubleshoot group policies on devices

- [Instructor] Group policies let you apply rules to groups of users and computers so that you don't have to manage them all separately. There are thousands of options and settings, with perhaps millions of total configurations. If you don't plan well, takeover someone else's network, or simply apply too many policies though, they will likely start to overlap and even contradict each other. Once problems occur, it's difficult to pin down where the issue started. One place to begin the trouble shooting process is to open the local group policy editor and take a look around. You can do that by typing gpedit.msc at the search window and clicking it in the results. I've set up a troubleshooting example. Let's go through it. Let's say a user says they can't save files to OneDrive, and you've ruled out the most likely causes. So now you need to check to see if any policies have been applied in the OneDrive area for the Computer Configuration. If policies have been applied, the user might…
