From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

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Power options

Power options

- (Narrator) You can configure personalized power settings for every laptop, tablet, and desktop PC that you use. If you're currently unhappy with when your laptop computer sleeps or powers off, or if you're looking for better battery life for your laptop or tablet, settings are available to resolve those issues quickly. You can access the most basic settings from the settings window. Click Start. Click Settings. And click System. Here under Power & Sleep are where your options are. There are only two. One is to manage when the screen goes off, and the other is to manage when the computer goes to sleep. You can click the drop down menus to configure the setting you prefer. You won't see any battery options when using a desktop though, but you will if you're using a laptop, like I am. No matter if you're using a desktop PC, a laptop, or a tablet, you can get to all of the power settings by clicking additional power settings on the right side of the page. This will open Control Panel…
