From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

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Manage driver packages

Manage driver packages

- [Woman] Your computer can get bogged down with various types of data including videos, pictures, music, and applications. But a PC can also get cluttered with things you might not think about like device drivers and driver packages. There are lots of ways to get rid of this from uninstalling through device manager or deleting in file explorer, or even using the command line tool, pnputil. Let's start with the most basic, device manager. Right click start and click device manager to open. To uninstall a device and its driver, you must navigate to the device you want to uninstall and during the uninstall process, also opt to remove the driver package. You won't be prompted to remove that package if another device on the same system uses it though. Do it like this. First, locate the device to uninstall and right click it. Here's the option to uninstall. When you're ready, click that. If you are prompted to delete the driver software as well, go ahead and click okay. I'm not going to…
