From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

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Explore accessibility options

Explore accessibility options - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

Explore accessibility options

- [Instructor] If you or someone you know has difficulty using a computer, whether it's due to poor vision, trouble hearing, or problems concentrating, it's highly likely that there's already something in place to make it easier. These are called accessibility options and Windows 10 comes with a lot of them, including magnifier, narrator, high contrast, and more. There are two places to locate these options and one is in settings. The other is in control panel. These are the go-to places to configure many settings. And what's show up here is what you see in control panel. To get there, open control panel, click ease of access, and then click ease of access center. That's where we are here. You can opt to enable the magnifier, narrator, on-screen keyboard, or high contrast from here or you can search for the desired accessibility option by selecting from the list under explore all settings. Watch what happens when I choose use the computer without a display. The options that appear…
