From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

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Download and import driver packages

Download and import driver packages - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

Download and import driver packages

- [Instructor] Most of the time, when you connect a new device, Windows will search its local library of device drivers, and install it automatically. You'll know this is happening because a prompt will appear, informing you of the status of the installation. If Windows can't find the driver it needs there, it'll look to Windows Update. Generally Windows find and installs the appropriate driver, and all's well. On occasion, though, this won't work, and you'll have to locate the driver manually, download it, and possibly extract its files, and then even add it to the local driver store on your PC. While that might seem like a lot of steps, it really isn't, especially if I break it down so that we're looking at it one step at a time. Let me show an example. I'm going to manually install an audio driver. I need to do this, because the driver that's currently installed either isn't working, or isn't compatible with my device, and I've discovered through a little research that this one is.…
