From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

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Configure the Start menu and desktop

Configure the Start menu and desktop - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

Configure the Start menu and desktop

- [Instructor] If you're new to Windows 10 the interface might look a little alien to you at first. The old Start Menu is gone, as is the Windows 8.1 Start Screen. There are new items you might not be familiar with, like Tiles, and the Start Menu's two content areas, including the Apps list. This is what my Start Menu looks like, and yours will look a little different. The Desktop will look familiar, though as nothing ever much changes there. There's still a Taskbar, a notification, and the Recycle Bin, and there's also a search window. You might notice there's a new entry on the Taskbar called Task View. This offers access to Virtual Desktops, something we'll touch on briefly here as well. One of the ways to get familiar with Windows 10 is to explore, reorganize, and customize all these areas. When you do this, you'll learn a little about how Windows 10 is laid out, while also making the computer uniquely yours. Let's take a look at the Start Menu first. When you click on the Start…
