From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

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Configure services

Configure services

- [Instructor] A Windows service is a program, a routine, or a process that runs in the background. Windows Update, Windows Firewall, and Network Location Awareness are examples of services. You can see these services and others in the services window. Type services in the search window and click it in the results to follow along with me. You can sort the services in many ways. Sort by type by clicking the startup column. Some services are configured to start when the computer does and are necessary for the computer to run effectively. These services are set to automatic. Sometimes problems arise when a service that needs to be running isn't. Ongoing problems ensue when a service needs to start automatically and run in the background, but doesn't. You can address these issues and more from the applicable services properties dialogue box. I'll double-click plug and play to show you. I'll sort by name first, so it's easier to find. I'll double-click plug and play. This service is what…
