From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

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Configure notification settings

Configure notification settings - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

Configure notification settings

- [Instructor] You'll likely get a lot of notifications from Windows 10. You might get notified when new emails arrive, when apps need updates. And when Windows needs to warn you about something like a backup drive that's getting full for instance. You might see notifications that offer tips on how to use Windows more effectively too. Some of these updates and notifications you might find useful, but maybe others not so much, whatever the case you can control what notifications you see. There's several places to do this. One is in control panel and another is in settings. Let's look at control panel first. I'll open it from the search window. Click review your computer status underneath system and security. Now click change security and maintenance settings on the left side. Go ahead and make any changes you desire here and then click okay and close control panel. I'll de-select work folders and storage spaces and I'll click okay. Let's take a look at some of the other options from…
