From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

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Configure local Registry

Configure local Registry - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

Configure local Registry

- [Instructor] The Windows registry is a collection of configuration settings in Microsoft Windows. It is generally referred to as simply the registry. The registry is created and personalized when Windows is installed, but may be added to when you install additional software or hardware or make changes to your user preferences, among other things. You open the registry by running the command regedit. Here's the Registry Editor. In its initial state, the registry holds all of the Windows default settings. For instance, it defines what the desktop background looks like. It specifies how a program or app will perform the first time you use it. And it defines Windows policies for machines and users. There are literally thousands upon thousands of settings here. Let me show you one. I'll click HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel, Colors, and Background. This is where you define the background color used in Control Panel. If you didn't know already, there's no way to make this change in…
