From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

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Configure Internet Explorer

Configure Internet Explorer - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

Configure Internet Explorer

- Internet Explorer still ships with Windows, even though you might not know that offhand, because there's no icon for it on the task bar. If you've always used IE and want to use it again now though, you can, it's available. You can open Internet Explorer by searching for it. (keys clack) Notice even when you type Internet Explorer in the task bar, it still shows up second. That's because Microsoft is going to retire internet Explorer very soon, but you can still select it and you can still configure options for now. You may notice that IE has evolved including looking a little cleaner and a little leaner, but you still use it like you always have. It's configured with default settings, of course. And you can change these to meet your personal needs and preferences. Before we dig into any actual settings though, note the one big difference between Microsoft's new web browser, Microsoft Edge, and this one Internet Explorer, is that IE still offers those additional toolbars you might…
