From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

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Configure driver settings

Configure driver settings - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Implementation

Configure driver settings

- [Narrator] Generally, whey you have an issue with the device driver you can open device manager double click the problematic device and either update or roll back the driver to resolve the problem. Sometimes though it isn't that easy to resolve driver issues. Let's open device manager and take a look at some other options when these basic techniques don't work. Before we start, let me say that some devices will have more tabs than others. Take a look at the tabs for the mouse for instance. You can see that there are only five tabs here. Mice aren't very complex hardware so there isn't much to configure. Now complex devices have more tabs. Take a look at the tabs for a network adapter. Look at all the tabs here. More tabs, means more options for configuration. Let's delve into the resources tab. The memory range refers to the part of memory that a device can use. And IRQ represents the hardware lines over which devices can send interrupt signals to the microprocessor over the mother…
