From the course: Windows 10: Configure and Support Core Services

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Configure and use Remote Desktop

Configure and use Remote Desktop

- [Instructor] Enterprises offer various ways for remote users to access company resources, including through VPNs and virtual machines, but sometimes a remote user needs to access their personal workstation directly, even though they are physically away from it. Administrators have their own reasons to access a user's workstation in this manner, too. Sometimes to perform updates or to resolve problems, although this is not common practice, One way to access our workstation remotely, while mimicking sitting at it locally, is through remote desktop. Remote desktop has to be enabled in the system window before you can configure a connection. I talked about that in a previous movie. If you missed it, navigate to this system window and enable it. You can do that by searching for enable remote desktop on the Task Bar. Here's where you allow remote access to your computer. I'll click OK now to continue. Now you can configure the connection. Type remote desktop on the Task Bar, and click…
