From the course: Windows 10: Configure and Support Core Services

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Configure a VPN

Configure a VPN

- [Instructor] Workers often need to access corporate resources while traveling and they need to do that over unsecured networks available to them in hotels, coffee shops, and other public areas. But how do enterprises guarantee those connections are secure for both the employee and the organization? They create virtual private networks. I'll show you how to create a VPN from the Network and Sharing Center. And as we go through the steps, I'll explain a little about protocols and profiles and how to know what to choose when prompted. You could also set up a VPN from settings, but I prefer the old school Network and Sharing Center. The wizard seems to offer more choices and gives me more control. There are lots of ways to get to the Network and Sharing Center. One is from Start, then Settings, Network and Internet, then here, Network and Sharing Center. To get started, click Set up a new connection or network. There are four choices but we want to connect to a workplace, so I'll click…
