From the course: Windows 10: Administration

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Working with notifications and actions

Working with notifications and actions - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Administration

Working with notifications and actions

- [Instructor] Now I'd like to talk about notifications and actions, so off the start menu, I'll go to settings, which will take me to Windows settings in there I'll select system and in there I'll select notifications and actions. So in the top half of this interface, we see quick actions and I have the option to edit quick actions. I'm going to click on that, what comes up on the right-hand side for me is about 10 icons. And I can rearrange these icons by dragging them to a different location. I can also remove icons by clicking on the push pin button and I can also add icons by going to the plus sign at the bottom. Once I have all this set up, I'll click done and then now I would like to look at the quick action center. I close out of the settings area and to get to the quick action center it's on my task bar is on the lower right. That's the default location, it's an icon that looks a little bit like a dialog box. I'll click on that once and we see the exact same icons as I just…
