From the course: Windows 10: Administration

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Working with Measured Boot

Working with Measured Boot - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Administration

Working with Measured Boot

- [Instructor] In this section, we're going to talk about the measured boot technology in Windows 10. Measured boot is a procedure of monitoring the boot process. The goal of which is to prove that the machine is in a trustworthy state. In other words that nothing was manipulated during the boot process that could reduce the security of the computer. One of the biggest things logged by measured boot is which components were loaded before the anti-malware software. That idea being that anything loaded after the anti-malware software will have been scanned and we can assume that it is trustworthy based on the quality of the anti-malware software. However, what about things that were loaded before the anti-malware software. Things loaded very early in the boot process. Measured boot keeps a detailed log of these items so that they can be analyzed to check for viruses or other malware. Those logs are stored in the trusted platform module hardware or TPM. TPM is the same hardware that's…
