From the course: Windows 10: Administration

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Using Resource Monitor to diagnose performance bottlenecks

Using Resource Monitor to diagnose performance bottlenecks - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Administration

Using Resource Monitor to diagnose performance bottlenecks

- [Instructor] In this section, we're going to talk about troubleshooting performance problems in Windows 10. And when performance problems are related to hardware issues, it's almost always one of four categories of hardware and Windows 10 supplies us one tool that will allow us to monitor all four areas. So off the Start menu, I'll type in Resource and then I'll click on Resource Monitor. And we'll see that I'm immediately given some information about CPU, Disk, Network and Memory. And those are our four most important categories. Typically when you have a hardware bottleneck, it's one of those four categories. We'll notice we have a list of processes that are running here on the left. And to the right, we have some graphs. In the list of processes, there's a option to check each one. And so if we go ahead and check one of those, I'm going to hit the checkbox next to System, we notice first of all that System moved all the way to the top. And also in our graphs on the right, we now…
