From the course: Windows 10: Administration

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Using Control Panel to manage Windows Firewall

Using Control Panel to manage Windows Firewall - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Administration

Using Control Panel to manage Windows Firewall

- [Instructor] In this section, we're going to talk about Windows Firewall in Windows 10. So of the start menu, I'll just type in firewall. And we see the first option that comes up is Windows Defender Firewall, I'll click on that. And this pulls up a basic interface that shows me that I am currently connected to a guest or public network and that Windows Firewall is on. And over to the left, I have the option to turn Windows Defender Firewall on or off. If I click on that, it asks me for private networks, if I want it on or off and for public networks if I want it on and off. And if you're connected to a domain, it'll also ask you for domain connections if you want it on or off. Most of our Windows Firewall settings can be different for private, public and domain connections. The idea being you might be willing to relax some firewall settings on your domain connection, because most likely the other machines on your domain are not going to attack you. Whereas on a public network, you…
