From the course: Windows 10: Administration

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Understanding Windows 10 features requiring specialized hardware

Understanding Windows 10 features requiring specialized hardware - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Administration

Understanding Windows 10 features requiring specialized hardware

- [Instructor] Now let's talk about the mobile editions of Windows 10. Windows 10 is available in two mobile editions, one is just called Mobile, the other is called Mobile Enterprise. Currently, there's not too great of a difference between Mobile and Mobile Enterprise. On both of them, applications will update automatically, but as far as updating the operating system, it is a manual process in Windows Mobile, and it is an automatic process in Windows Mobile Enterprise. Microsoft has promised that security updates will be available quicker for Mobile Enterprise. And, again, those security updates would be automatically installed. The Microsoft documentation also mentions a different mindset between the two versions. For the most part, Mobile is meant to run phones. If you've bought a phone recently that contains Windows 10, it most likely is the Mobile version. Mobile Enterprise is designed to do something a little different than just phones. Some examples Microsoft has given, they…
