From the course: Windows 10: Administration

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Troubleshooting network problems

Troubleshooting network problems - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Administration

Troubleshooting network problems

- [Instructor] In this section, I'd like to talk about troubleshooting network issues in Windows 10. And particularly looking at a new feature in Windows 10, that allows us to gather a lot of information about the network. This is a command line tool. And so I'll need to open up a command prompt with administrative privileges. So off the start menu, I'll type in CMD, that'll bring up the option for command prompt. I'll right click on that and select run as administrator. On the user account control, go ahead and hit yes. And that gives us our command prompt with administrative privileges. Command I'd like to type in is, net SH space WLAN space show and space WLAN report. That last part WLAN report is all one word. Hit enter off of that. And fairly quickly it says the report was written to this path. And so I'm going to navigate to that path to look at that report. So there we see WLAN report latest dot HTML. I'll double click on that one. And I get a report. The top part of it is a…
