From the course: Windows 10: Administration

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Overview of Group Policy

Overview of Group Policy - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Administration

Overview of Group Policy

- [Instructor] In this section, we're going to talk about using Group Policy to administer Windows 10. Group Policy is a technology that allows us to configure thousands of user and computer settings. Group Policy can be applied at the domain level or a Local Group Policy. If you're running on a domain, that's probably the preferred place to do Group Policy. If you have one or more Windows 10 computers not connected to a domain, then you can use Local Group Policy to accomplish largely the same thing. Be aware that domain settings can override local settings. So if you created a policy at the domain level that had a setting, and then you created a policy at the local level that had the opposite setting, the domain setting would take precedence. So typically we don't manipulate the same setting at both the domain level and the local level. If you want to make a setting, just do it one place or the other, not both. Windows 10 includes by default, a tool called Local Group Policy Editor.…
