From the course: Windows 10: Administration

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Installing and updating drivers

Installing and updating drivers - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Administration

Installing and updating drivers

- [Instructor] Now I'd like to talk a little bit about working with drivers in Windows 10. So, off the Start menu, I'd go to the gear icon for Settings, and in the search box labeled Find a setting, I'll search for drivers. One of the options that comes up is Device Manager. I'll click on that. And what we get is a Device Manager interface that's very similar to what we had in Windows 7 and Windows 8. I can open any one of these categories in the tree view, highlight a particular device, right click on it, and I'll have the option to Update driver. Now some updating of drivers will happen automatically through Windows updates, and you can just let that run in the background, and not have to worry about it. But sometimes we need a little extra control over individual drivers, and a few pieces of hardware may not update their drivers automatically through Windows update. So we can do that through this interface. Typically you would start with the top option, search automatically for…
