From the course: Windows 10: Administration

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Administering multitasking

Administering multitasking - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Administration

Administering multitasking

- [Instructor] Now I'd like to talk about multitasking and working with multiple desktops. So in the Start menu, I'll click on the Settings and that'll take me to Windows Settings. I'll look at the System area and in the left-hand menu, I'm going to click on Multitasking. The top half has some options on how we work with multiple windows. It allows us to snap our windows. And by snap I mean that if we drag a window to one side either the left side of the right side of our desktop, it will automatically resize, and take up exactly half of the available desktop. So I'll do that now. I'll turn this window off of maximum size and I'll drag it all the way to the right. And when I release the mouse button now this window takes up exactly half of the space. This tends to be very useful when you have two windows going at the same time. So I'll just open another window and snap it to the other side. I use this often when I am comparing two documents. I open up the two documents side-by-side…
