From the course: Windows 10: Administration

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Adding Microsoft accounts to a Windows 10 PC

Adding Microsoft accounts to a Windows 10 PC - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Administration

Adding Microsoft accounts to a Windows 10 PC

- [Instructor] In the previous section, we looked at adding domain users to our Windows 10 PC, but if your PC is not part of a domain then instead you'll want to use Microsoft accounts. So off the start menu, I'll go to settings and then I'll go to accounts. And again, I'll go to other users. For domain users, we had added a work or school user. Now for a Microsoft account, we're going to go to the section labeled other users and click on the plus sign next to add someone else to this PC. That's going to prompt me for the person's email or phone number, whichever credentials they use to log into their Microsoft account, and then I'll click next and that's all I have to do, I don't actually have to give the password right now because the password is controlled by Microsoft and this person will be prompted for their Microsoft account password when they try to log in. So we can just click finish. And then from that account, if I click on the account, I have the option to remove which is…
