From the course: Windows 10: Administration

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Adding domain users to a Windows 10 PC

Adding domain users to a Windows 10 PC - Windows Tutorial

From the course: Windows 10: Administration

Adding domain users to a Windows 10 PC

- [Instructor] In this section, we're going to talk about adding domain users to our windows 10 PC. So at the Start menu, I'll go to Settings. In the Settings area, I'll go to Accounts. And on the left, I'll click on Other users. So here in other users, it says I can add a work or school user. By work user, they mean a domain user. So I'll click on the plus sign next to that and it gives me a very simple interface just asking me for the account name and asking me if I would like it to be a standard user or an administrator. So I'll go ahead and add the login name of an account that I know exists on the domain. I'll click Add, and there it shows me that the Martin account has been added as an administrator. If I would like to add a group rather than an individual user, it's a very similar process. I'll click on the plus sign again, and I'll type in the name of a group that I know exists on the domain, and I'll click Add. Now the weird thing here is it didn't tell me success or failure.…
