From the course: Web Accessibility for Developers

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Retest after repairs

Retest after repairs

- [Instructor] Now that we've made our repairs, we can use axe and manual testing to verify that our repairs were successful. Before running axe, let's remind ourselves that our first page had two issues caught by axe, menu item contrast, and missing alt tags. Since we fixed both of those, we should see zero axe errors. Let's open up our first page that had issues and then we'll run axe. So there we go, we see zero automatic issues. The other item on this page was a manual item, the text of see all characters being different for each section. This one we can scan visually to ensure it's repaired. We should see four instances of buttons that read, see all characters. One, two, three, four, and there they are. We have one other page that we repaired. As a reminder, there was one issue discovered by axe on this page, missing form labels. So let's check that first. We'll run axe to ensure we're seeing zero issues, and that looks great. The final thing we need to do is check for the one…
