From the course: Web Accessibility for Developers

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Repair accessibility issues

Repair accessibility issues

- [Instructor] Like I mentioned in the last video, I've decided to fix the five small issues discovered in my Accessibility Audit and put the large issue in the backlog for now. So let's get started fixing those issues. The first issue we'll repair is the menu item Contrast. ACCS already did the calculations for us and noted that the Contrast Ratio needs to be 4.5 to one. If we needed to determine the requirement ourselves, this is how we'd do it. First, we would find out how large the font is. We'd go to our webpage, inspect the element and check the computed size of the text itself. It's 18 pixels. The WIGAC success criterion is given in points, so we'd need to convert to points by multiplying by 0.75. This gives us about 14 points. Additionally, the font weight is 500, which is considered medium, so this is not a bold font. Lastly, we consult success criterion 1.4.3 to figure out which situation it falls in. There are really just two ways to fix this issue, either make the text…
