From the course: Web Accessibility for Developers

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Introduction to WCAG

Introduction to WCAG

- A lot of people are intimidated by website accessibility because there is so much information, they don't know where to begin. Luckily, you don't have to become an accessibility expert to build an accessible website thanks to WCAG. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines or WCAG are recommendations for making web content more accessible to people with disabilities. They're written by the Web Accessibility Initiative, WAI, of the Worldwide Web Consortium, W3C. More specifically, continuous work is done by an accessibility guidelines working group to refine existing guidelines and create new guidelines. So why would you want to use WCAG? There are two ways to read this question. The first is, why would we take these recommendations instead of just trying our own way of solving accessibility issues? The answer to that is that countless hours and multiple iterations of guidelines have been contributed by accessibility experts to determine what best meets people's needs, as well as how to…
