From the course: Virtual Reality Foundations

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VR development considerations

VR development considerations

- Virtual reality technology is successfully being applied in many industries, including health care, education, military and architecture. The practical uses for virtual reality are endless. The market for virtual reality application development is wide open. With declining prices, and increased hardware and software power, virtual reality development has become very accessible today. But how different is developing for virtual reality from other visual media? Let's take a look at some considerations when it comes to virtual reality development. Know the user. What is the problem that this VR application is going to solve? Knowing your user, and the existing problems, leads to a better understanding of the end goal, and this translates to more comfortable development. Detailed project documentation. A clear and concise guide for the development team that outline the expectations of the end user. The documentation must clearly meet the end user's needs. Precise documentation leads to…
