From the course: Virtual & Augmented Reality for 3D

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Working with actors in UE4 VR editor

Working with actors in UE4 VR editor

From the course: Virtual & Augmented Reality for 3D

Working with actors in UE4 VR editor

- [Instructor] Working with objects in the VR Editor in Unreal Engine 4, is very easy; it's very intuitive. Here I'm just going to zoom in to an object based on my selection, by using the side grip and the trigger. And now we have this simple little cube. Well it's very easy to work with. Using my controllers here on my Vive, I can grab an object with one controller, if I want. And I'm just using the simple trigger here, pointing at the object and moving it or transforming it around in space. But I could also do something cool. With both controllers, I can simultaneously pull the trigger and pull the controllers apart or together to scale in or out. I can also rotate the object around. These are the same motions as manipulating or navigating around the environment actually, working with your controllers to rotate or scale it. But I can also access specific gizmos to transform, rotate or scale the object as well. If I want to arbitrarily move it around within the environment, in this…
