From the course: Virtual & Augmented Reality for 3D

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Top seven VR designer terms

Top seven VR designer terms

- [Narrator] The world of virtual reality, or for that matter the world of the creation for virtual reality, is full of terminology and different terms that people from different backgrounds may not be that familiar with. I thought I'd put together kind of this overall idea of the top seven VR designer terms for people creating or designing virtual reality. Let's take a look at a couple of these. Field of view or FoV, this is simply the degree in visual virtual reality area. If you think about us as humans, we can see very easily just looking straight forward ahead well beyond 180 degrees pretty much. In our peripheral visions we can actually see and be aware of things around us in all different directions. Within virtual reality, there is this idea of technology that keeps increasing to work towards a higher field of view or a more realistic field of view. If you think about it this way, that no matter how realistic the virtual reality experience is, if the field of view is limited…
