From the course: Virtual & Augmented Reality for 3D

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Immersive realities

Immersive realities

- [Instructor] I think it's important to describe what's happening within this exciting world of, you know, this quote on quote immersive realities realm. And let's define what these immersive realities really are. So let's take a look at an overview of all this different technology. And I think you'll find something interesting in the way that I'm describing it here, especially when we get into kind of the final one, this XR idea here. And I like to use this term, immersive realities, and we'll take a look at why I prefer that, but off we go. So immersive realities. There's so many different kinds, right? We're going to start off with VR, virtual reality. And VR or virtual reality is this completely simulated or virtual environment. So this is the idea of being encompassed in a complete virtual environment. So you're wearing a headset, for example, and you're experiencing that environment. Now it can also be 360-degree photos or 360-degree video, as well. So this is captured…
