From the course: Virtual & Augmented Reality for 3D

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Design apps

Design apps

- [Instructor] One of the coolest things these days in virtual reality applications is the ability to create stuff on the fly, in real time and in real scale, and in virtual reality. So, what I want to take a look at today is some of the coolest new virtual reality apps for creating content live in VR. So, I thought we'd take a look kind of at this top virtual reality design applications. Now, with that said, there is so many things going on now within virtual reality with these types of applications, so this is going to change, because there's going to be more coming out and they're getting better all the time, and more powerful, as we'll see here, as well. So, some of the top virtual reality design apps that are available right now for things like the Oculus Rift, the HTC Vive, and other platforms there as well. So, "Tiltbrush" by Google, which is a 3D paint and modeling application that allows you to paint and experience the idea of immersing yourself in paint strokes, essentially…
