From the course: UXPin for UX Design

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UX documents

UX documents

- [Instructor] When you arrive at the UXPin dashboard and select a project such as Visit Barcelona right here you see a rather large thumbnail of the project. And if you roll the mouse over, you'll see that there's edit design and preview. And they're practically self-explanatory. Edit design takes you to the canvas, and preview allows you to do, well, a preview of the browser. But here in the bottom right is where the term UX has been added to UXPin. And it's right here, UX Document. If I click it, you can add three critical documents to your project. A persona, a business model document, and a project canvas document. All of which should tell you that there's been a rather profound shift in web and mobile design over the past few years. Prior to this shift, the UX design process was much like what I call an hour gang approach. Back in the 30's and 40's, Judy Garland and Mickey Rooney made several movies whose…
