From the course: UXPin for UX Design

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- [Instructor] You may be wondering if you can add video to your UXPin projects. The answer is sort of. You can't directly add MP4 or WEBM files into your projects, but you can stream them in from YouTube, Dropbox, Vimeo, or a web server. So let me show you how all that works. So the first thing you want to do is look for video component which is found in the Media Tools. So you just open it up, there's Video. Click once and the resulting black box is the video tool. Now if we come over to the Properties panel and select it, you should see in the video area you have the ability to autoplay, mute, loop, and add controls. You do not want autoplay. So you just leave that deselected. If you do not want to have the audio play, mute it and if you don't want it to be constantly playing, don't loop it. So basically all I'm doing here is saying, "Look, just show me the controls." Now just remember, the controls that you're…
