From the course: UXPin for UX Design

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Design a carousel

Design a carousel - UXPin Tutorial

From the course: UXPin for UX Design

Design a carousel

- [Instructor] In this exercise, we are going to build an image carousel. Now this is going to be a two part exercise. What we're going to do with this one is we're going to just build the images that will go in the carousel. And in the next exercise, we will actually add the interactivity. These things come in two flavors useless and useful. The useless category includes those with auto forwarding. We have all seen these, you see the image with text, and it automatically moves to the next image or slide where they useless. A Nielsen Norman study points at two good reasons. The automatic rotation causes the user to lose control of their interaction with the site or the project. This is especially annoying for users with motor skill issues, and is a huge accessibility issue. They also create what we call banner blindness. And banners are ignored by the user. In the useful category, control and visual clues are handed…
