From the course: UXPin for UX Design

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Create a low-fidelity wireframe

Create a low-fidelity wireframe - UXPin Tutorial

From the course: UXPin for UX Design

Create a low-fidelity wireframe

- [Instructor] So the content wireframe has moved through the approval process. Everybody likes where stuff goes but the question of course what does it look like? And this is where you can increase the fidelity. You're going to come across this a lot. Low, medium, and high fidelity prototypes. A low fidelity prototype is just used as placeholders to show what stuff looks like. Here we go. And what we've got here, of course, is the content wireframe from the previous exercise and we're going to basically bring up its resolution a little bit to a higher fidelity. So we're going to open up the design system and you're going to open up material design. And we're going to take the status and the app bars and we're going to take them out. Just delete them. And we'll replace them with the top app bar. And, of course, we're going to get it set up to 00. So now we know where that is. And we've got two cards that go in here.…
