From the course: UXPin for UX Design

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Adding pages

Adding pages

- [Instructor] Obviously, a one-page prototype simply doesn't cut it, so I'm going to show you how to add pages and play around with pages inside of UXPin. But before we get started, I want to show you a little teacher trick. In the previous exercise, we had this card sort of hanging over the edge here, and a lot of designers would go "Oh, that's just not cool." I tend to agree, so I'm going to show you a little teacher trick inside of UXPin that will allow you to sort of trim this off. So what you're going to do is you're going to select it, and you're going to come to Crop, Crop Selected Content. Now, what this does is it doesn't select the content, it cropped the content, it throws a mask over it. So I can just shrink it down a bit, and there it is. It's just sitting there. The other thing I did, of course, was swap out with the bottom nav rather than using the original piece. Okay, so we've got this done, and we want…
