From the course: UXPin for UX Design

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Adding animations

Adding animations - UXPin Tutorial

From the course: UXPin for UX Design

Adding animations

- [Instructor] As I've stated here at LinkedIn Learning and at a number of conferences and other events motion is nothing more than moving an object or an element from here to there. In UXPin, that is exactly the concept behind motion in UXPin. Though there are several animation features in UXPin which I will get into in this exercise, just be aware they are not as robust as those in other applications I have covered in this UX design series at LinkedIn Learning. You have to keep in mind the assets that are going to be put in motion will actually be handed over to the development team where the motion will be refined programmatically. So let's get started. The here to there concept is relatively easy to accomplish. In this example, this red ball will move from here to there when the button is clicked. And when this button is clicked, it will move from there to here. So the first step is to identify the here point by…
