From the course: Using Rust with Python

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PyO3 features

PyO3 features

- [Instructor] Here are some key features of PyO3, which allows you to use Rust and Python together. First up here we have Rust extensions in Python. Some of the things that you can do include allowing developers to write a Python extension in the Rust programming language. So, this means that you can do a high performance safe code, and you also can use it seamlessly in the Python environment. And the packaging is always excellent when you work with Rust. We also have Rust calling Python. So, in the case of the reason for this is that there are many readability issues with Python where it's really simple to look at the code. There's also lots of legacy code in Python you may want to interact with. And the libraries are extensive because the languages were around for 30 plus years. It's a very popular language as well. So, the idea here is that by allowing Rust code to call Python directly, it allows you to do things like call scripts, functions, manipulate python objects. We also…
