From the course: Using Rust with Python

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Polars CLI integration test

Polars CLI integration test - Rust Tutorial

From the course: Using Rust with Python

Polars CLI integration test

- [Narrator] Here we have a Russ Polars project that includes all of the goodies like command line tools and benchmarks and et cetera. I'm going to focus on the integration tests component. The reason for building integration tests is that you can actually test the input that goes into a command line tool. So this is great for really getting to the last step of a project where let's say it's a customer or maybe it's an open source tool or whatever it is you're building, you can verify that what you think will happen when the tool is executing will actually happen. And with a safe language like Rust that has very good build characteristics and typically there's very few unexpected errors, this is kind of the final step here where you're able to actually go through and really build out the final steps of what your tool should do and verify programmatically every time you build it that it's actually going to do those steps. So let's go ahead and take a look at the code. So first step…
