From the course: Using Rust with Python

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Diagram of a PyO3 project

Diagram of a PyO3 project - Rust Tutorial

From the course: Using Rust with Python

Diagram of a PyO3 project

- [Instructor] Here we have the diagram of a Py03 Rust, Python CLI project. So this is more of a realistic style of a project that someone would implement the heavy logic in Rust. So this could be the computationally complex things like, you know, numerical operations or maybe some hardcore data frame type operations, or even using some ML lops capabilities. Whatever it is you're doing that is going to require the core features of Rust, which is extremely good performance, one of the best performing languages in the world. Now if we look at the Rust code here, you have to build up the logic, and then when you expose the logic, you can see here that it's only a few lines of code to actually create a Python module. So this is the key component in your Rust code, is you build a function. In this case, we have libpycalc_cli, and then what we do is we return back this pi result right here. Now, the case of each of these functions, it's pretty straightforward to understand what they're…
