From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

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Why use prototype microinteractions?

Why use prototype microinteractions? - Adobe XD Tutorial

From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

Why use prototype microinteractions?

- [Instructor] I want to spend a couple of minutes talking about micro interactions and how important they are when it comes to working with UX Design. What I find so fascinating about microinteractions is we interact with them daily and really don't notice them. Anytime you scroll a page, click a button, see a progress bar, or swipe right or left, you're using a micro interaction. The purpose of a micro interaction is to provide the user with meaningful feedback. Drag, a scroll bar and the page content instantly moves up and down. Watch a progress bar and you'll instantly know something is loading and roughly how much time it will take to load. Make a mistake filling in a form and a red error message pops into view. These are all microinteractions. The word micro is important, because these interactions give you the opportunity to focus in on a single user interaction in order to provide the user with a carefully…
