From the course: User Experience (UX) for Non-Designers

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The role of typography

The role of typography

- [Instructor] As I have pointed out earlier in this course, the words on the page provide access to understanding. If the words can't be read or understood, you've lost the battle. Thus, the importance of typography. This happens because the UX designer didn't quite understand something my colleague, Cameron Moll, has been saying for years, "Treat text as UI." What he is getting at is text is an element on the screen. It is no different than logos or components, which are also elements on a screen. Now here's an example. This screen, introducing a Barcelona tour guide treats the text as content. Looks okay. It's all there. But what if it were to be treated as UI? Well, the text comes to life. Because both the design and the user are considered equally, and the text provides what I call access to understanding. A classic example of blocking access to understanding are those passwords you get when you first set up an…
